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The stories we live through books

Welcome! I'm a 23 year old college student with a major in law, with an everlasting love for books. I'm in desperate need of friends to talk about the stories I read :).

Currently reading

The Ocean at the End of the Lane: A Novel
Neil Gaiman, Neil Gaiman
Fair Game
Patricia Briggs

Feral Sins

Feral Sins - Suzanne  Wright Wow... this book was just wow. So the scene everybody talks about? Yep! In my brain now and can't get it out.. Miss Suzanne Wright let me just tell you, you do have a hell of an imagination!
I picked up this book because it was on top of wolf/romantic/erotic listopia and boy was I NOT disappointed. Loved the characters and also the plot. Suprinsingly it does have a pretty good one. The bitchy comments between Greta and Taryn made me laugh out loud and you realise right away she's not the typical latent wolf.

“Wouldn’t you like to slip into something more comfortable though? Perhaps a coma?”

Going back to that scene, well it really didn't fit in the plot. Don't get me wrong it was intense, and I truly haven't ever read anything like it but it didn't go well with the possessive/jealous Trey and independent/bitchy/alpha and not submissive Taryn. Enjoyed the moment but after, all I could think about was: why isn't the day after awkward for everybody? You really can't pretend nothing happened and drop the prego news, it was too well imprinted in my head.
4 full stars for me.
Much love, munchkins.

Falling Into You

Falling Into You - Jasinda Wilder I don't even know where to start but let me tell you this book is really messed up and awkward. It starts of kind of cute with memories of the first love, the first time and all, with lots of True Blood references which I highly enjoy and then it becomes dark, like really dark. Depressing. So I'm there almost crying, let me underline that ALMOST because the guy's corpse isn't even cold yet and she's already into his brother. You know the saying: there's lots of fish in the sea? Well no. Apparently there's only the brother of her dead boyfriend and that's wrong on so many levels.
I gave it 2 stars because my 1 star goes to books I cant even finish, and this one I regret getting there because trust me if you find the story at least as disturbing as I did you will only get grossed out once again by the turn off events and the awkward ending.
Save your time and pick a different book.
Much love, munchkins.
Reblogged from Starry Reads:

That's me.

Source: http://www.pinterest.com/yabookquotes/favorite-ya-book-quotes

This Man Trilogy

This Man - Jodi Ellen Malpas Beneath This Man - Jodi Ellen Malpas This Man Confessed - Jodi Ellen Malpas

Let's just take a moment and talk about this glorious series. If you're looking for something romantic, hot, full of passion but with an intriguing story behind it, look no further.

I have to be honest and say I did non expect to like it as much as I did, I got into it and couldn't put it down until I finished the last book. How long did it took me to read it you ask? Well...2 days. Yes, I am serious. The story really got to me, I'm in love with Jessie, Ava did get on my nerves sometimes. I felt like miss Jodie did not put as much work to her character as she did with the male protagonist but the two of them together worked for me.


Get ready for plot twist, jaw dropping events, and lots of hot steamy sex scenes.

5 full stars for me. Best erotic series I've read in years :D

Much love, munchkins!

Reblogged from Hadeer's Ranting:

Ahahahhah ohh yess..

"“Everyone has talent. What's rare is the courage to follow it to the dark places where it leads.”
― Erica Jong"
Opal (Lux Novel) by Jennifer L. Armentrout (2012) Paperback - Jennifer L. Armentrout

Opal is the third book in the Lux series written by Jennifer L. Armentrout. 


I love, love, loove this series, Daemon and Kitty's relationship is awesome and entertaining. This books was so easy to read and so hard to put down once I have started. I was glad that I wasn't spoiled since everybody seems to have already read it, but the ending was so.....*soob*. And you kind of expect it because all the other end well for the protagonists. Now I can't wait to get my hands on the fourth one but I'm torn inside because once I start I know I have to finish and the 5th one isn't out yet :( I'm not the type of person who likes to wait.


If you haven't read it yet...why? Do it! Go, now! Hahah


"“Laughter is wine for the soul - laughter soft, or loud and deep, tinged through with seriousness - the hilarious declaration made by man that life is worth living.”

― Seán O'Casey"
"“Books are mirrors: you only see in them what you already have inside of you."

Carlos Ruiz Zafon, The Shadow of the Wind"
Wait for You  - J. Lynn

I started reading this book because some girls in a bookgroup defined it as "beautiful" and "stunning" and so on, so I went into it with high hopes. The author is J. Lynn and it was a HUGE surprise for me to know that is actually a pseudonym for J. Armentrout which I love because I read the first 2 books in the Lux series, so neither to say my hopes went even higher. Oh and yeah, don't expect any supernatural elements.


The book tells the story of Avery, a girl who was rapped on Halloween when she was only 14 and had no support from her family or friends. She goes to college to get away from it all and there is where she meets Cam, who let's just say rocks her world! :D The parts I really loved were the ones with the two of them, the way they interact and tease one another, they're relantionship is great. 


I gave it only 3 stars because sometimes Avery just got on my nerves, ok she has a LOT of problems but the way she faced them, and just let me say she needs a whole book to face them, was a bit annoying. After you understand the way she thinks and the fact she has a really low self-esteem, I mean really really low, the story becomes a bit predictable.


It's not in my top 10 but still a good book to read, it will make you laugh, sad and angry at times, all in all a good way to entertain yourself.


This is my humble opinion, let me know what you think! :)



The Dream Thieves - Maggie Stiefvater

This is a Maggies Stiefvater second book about our dear raven boys. If you haven't read it yet I would advise you to read it first and then come back after to discuss all the details, because yes! I am going to spoiler you. Big time!


I had high hopes going in to this book and many questions that I was looking forward to getting answers to. I gave this book 3 and a half stars and it hurts my heart to say that I liked the first one better. The story is full of mystery, fantasy and action and it's all beautifully written by the author but it's all focused mainly on Ronan and Adam and less on Gansey and Glendower.. Wait Glendower who?


I think it was only fair the focus on Ronan seeing that the first one ended with him confessing his ability to draw thinks out of his dreams. I liked the way Maggie described his ability, I think its really interesting the comparison between the barn filled with everyday thinks from his father's dreams and the nightmares that torment Ronan. I did not expect the part about his mother. So she came out of a dream and I'm glad she woke up at the end even though its a bit confusing on how she was able to conceive children but yet fall into a "coma" when Niel dyed, I mean if they're half dream material how come they are awake? 


I didn't really connect with Ronan, he's a tough guy to get to. He really struggled through his life, suffering for the lost of his father, always hiding a secret from the world, but Maggie didn't make it any easier to like him. And the decisions he took made me angry, like trusting Kavinsky even though he is known for being a criminal and a drug addict. Spending time with him may have been useful but Kavinsky was a no no for me from start to end. I liked his last line before he dies: "life is made of nightmares" or maybe I was just glad he was gone.


I was hoping to have a clearer view and evolution of the Gansey/Blue situation but that didn't happen as much as I wanted. Blue is obviously in love with him and he becomes more aware of her presence and the last scene where they almost kissed was awww. But I mean ok, nice.. give me more!!


Adam is the one I liked the least. First of all he knows something is wrong but doesn't want to talk about it and he takes it out on Gansey which was annoying. Also he assumes he and Blue are a couple, when really she has the same tipe of relationship with all of the boys. I didn't see any bit of romanticism, no dates no talks no nothing and i was glad she pointed it out in the end, but then again the way she does it.. I don't really think it was fair to Adam to be the last one to know the real reason, she could have said it way before.


Adam is somehow connected with Cabeswater and he manages to help Ronan get the energy he needs in the final battle. I must admit that when reading about Persephone's predicamen, at first when the magician card came out I thought: "oh he must have a connection with Persephone, I mean she could be considered a magician somehow right?" Wrong, turns out he is the magician and there maybe be no connection what so ever with Persephone, she is only there to help him. I really want them to be together I think it could be possible, why not right?


Not only I didn't had the answers I was looking for, but then a new character comes along and makes it all more confussing. The Gray Man is nice, sorrounded by mistery and very good at what he does, with a passion for poetry wich i really enjoyed.

He falls really fast for Maura and I was a bit surprised on how easily she accepted the fact that he was a hit man and went on a date, ok she stole his wallet but you can tell she has a soft spot for him. 

In the back of my mind i was thinking wheres Artemus? Will we have a love triangle when he comes back? No. Why? Because Maura disappears in the end..bummer. 


All in all I liked the book and im curious to see how it all turns out because now I have even more questions than before like: is the Gray's Man brother dead? Where is Maura? And Glendower? And Neeve, why doesn't anybody worry about her? I guess I'll have to wait for the next book to come out.


This are my humble thoughts :)

What about you? What did you think, did you liked it?



Wait for You

Wait for You  - J. Lynn I started reading this book because some girls in a bookgroup defined it as "beautiful" and "stunning" and so on, so I went into it with high hopes. The author is J. Lynn and it was a HUGE surprise for me to know that is actually a pseudonym for J. Armentrout which I love because I read the first 2 books in the Lux series, so neither to say my hopes went even higher. Oh and yeah, don't expect any supernatural elements.

The book tells the story of Avery, a girl who was rapped on a Halloween night when she was only 14 and had no support from her family or friends. She goes to college to get away from it all and there is where she meets Cam, who let's just say rocks her world! :D The parts I really loved were the ones with the two of them, the way they interact and tease one another, they're relantionship is great.

I gave it only 3 stars because sometimes Avery just got on my nerves, ok she has a LOT of problems but the way she faced them, and just let me say she needs a whole book to face them was a bit annoying at times. After you understand the way she thinks and the fact she has a really low esteem, I mean really really low, the story becomes a bit predictable.

It's not in my top 10 but still a good book to read, it will make you laugh, sad and angry at times, all in all a good way to entertain yourself.

This is my humble opinion, let me know what you think! :)

L'ombra del vento

L'ombra del vento - Carlos Ruiz Zafón, Lia Sezzi Un libro meraviglioso che lascia dentro un'impronta indelebile.